When viewing a regulation, click the at the right side of the page,
next to the paragraph to which it applies. The bookmark dialog box will appear:
Type in your bookmark information and save it by clicking OK.
The bookmark will instantly be displayed as a yellow 'sticky' note, as shown:
Please note, you do not have to enter text in the bookmark dialog box.
You can simply add one as a place marker.
Also, you can move the dialog box simply click and drag the top bar.
You can also make the box larger for editing longer text; click and drag the bottom-right hand corner of the dialog.
Links to bookmarks you have recently added appear on the right side of the page.
Click on the bookmark link to return to the actual bookmark. Or, click on the page reference to go to the start of the document.
Simply click the Bookmarks tab at the top of the page.
Then enter your search criteria and click Refresh.
This is also a good way to see what bookmarks other members of the Groups you belong
to have added.
Edit, Share or Delete
Only you can edit the bookmarks you have created.
To edit a bookmark, locate it on its regulation page. Then click the Edit link at the lower right.
You can then edit the text, change the groups you wish to share it with, or delete it.
When you are finished, save your changes by clicking OK.
Send an Instant Notice
You can instantly send a bookmark message to members of a private group.
Open the bookmark and select the Group from the pull-down box.
When you click OK, your message will be delivered.
You can also use this function when you initially enter the bookmark text.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who else can see my bookmarks?
When you create a bookmark, you can select which groups can see it.
No one else will be able to see your bookmarks.
How long can I keep my bookmarks?
Bookmarks do not expire, therefore they remain indefinitely.
Can I print out my bookmarks, apart from the regulations?
Yes, from the Bookmarks tab.
Do I have to enter text for a bookmark?
No. You can leave it blank and use it as a place-marker.
Can I make changes to my bookmarks?
Yes, whenever you like.
Can anyone else edit or delete my bookmarks?
No. However, if you share a bookmark with a group, an administrator may decide it does not apply to their group and remove the sharing.
Can I record multiple bookmarks against a single paragraph?
Can I include hyperlinks (URLs) in my bookmarks?
You can include them, but they will not be active links.