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Chapter 2Safety and Occupational Health Program Management for ContractorsThis chapter applies to all contractors performing work activities under a USACE contract including those administered on behalf of USACE. This chapter provides the overall programmatic guidance for developing, managing, and implementing a SOH program. The requirements set forth in this chapter are the foundation for the contractor SOH program and must be carried through the additional chapters in this manual.Note. The term Government Designated Authority (GDA) is no longer applicable within this manual. GDA has been replaced with the responsibility of the KO or COR.
Chapter 2-1.References.
a. ANSI/ASSP A10.33 Safety and Health Program Requirements for Multi-Employer Projects (https://webstore.ansi.org/)
b. ANSI/ASSP Z490.1, Criteria for Accepted Practices in Safety, Health and Environmental Training (https://webstore.ansi.org/)
c. UFGS 01 35 26, Governmental Safety Requirements (https://wbdg.org/ffc/dod/unified-facilities-guide-specifications-ufgs)
d. 5 CFR 293, Personnel Records (https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CFR-2020-title5-vol1/pdf/CFR-2020-title5-vol1-part293.pdf)
e. 29 CFR 1904, Recording and Reporting Occupational Injuries and Illnesses (https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CFR-2020-title29-vol5/pdf/CFR-2020-title29-vol5-part1904.pdf)
f. 29 CFR 1910, Occupational Safety and Health Standards (https://www.govinfo.gov/app/collection/cfr)
g. 29 CFR 1926, Safety and Health Regulations for Construction (https://www.govinfo.gov/app/collection/cfr)
h. 46 CFR Subpart 4.05, Notice of Marine Casualty and Voyage Records (https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CFR-2020-title46-vol1/pdf/CFR-2020-title46-vol1-part4-subpart4-05.pdf)
i. 48 CFR 52.236-13, Accident Prevention (https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CFR-2020-title48-vol2/pdf/CFR-2020-title48-vol2-chap1-subchapH.pdf)
j. 49 CFR 197.484, Notice of Casualty (https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CFR-2002-title46-vol7/pdf/CFR-2002-title46-vol7-sec197-484.pdf)
Chapter 2-2.Definitions.
a. Accepted/Acceptable. A term denoting when a written procedure, practice, method, program, engineering design, or employee qualification criteria submittal, which, after a cursory review by the KO or COR, is determined to generally conform to safety and health or contractual requirements. Acceptance or acceptability in no way relieves the submitting entity from ensuring employees a safe and healthful work environment or complying with all contractual requirements and good engineering practices.
b. Accident. Any unplanned event or series of events that results in death, injury, or illness to personnel, or damage to or loss of equipment or property. Within the context of this manual, accident is synonymous with mishap.
c. Accident Prevention Plan (APP). A SOH plan that documents site-specific policies, responsibilities, and plan and program requirements.
d. Competent Person (CP). One who is capable of identifying existing and predictable hazards in the surroundings or working conditions which are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to employees, and who has authorization to take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them.
e. Contracting Officer (KO)/Contracting Officer Representative (COR). The USACE representative, usually within the district or center Contracting Office. The KO is designated by the Senior Contracting Official and the COR is designated by the KO to enter and administer contracts for the Government and make determinations and findings thereon.
f. Contractor Corporate Safety Official. The prime contractor's corporate official responsible for the company's SOH Program.
g. Contractor Quality Control (QC). The part of quality management focused on fulfilling quality requirements of a project, product, service, or process. It includes those processes used to ensure performance meets agreed upon stakeholder requirements that are consistent with law, regulations, policies, sound technical criteria, schedules, and budget.
h. Employee. A government or contractor person engaged in work on a USACE project.
i. Employer. A government or contractor organization that has control over employees engaged in work on USACE projects.
j. Facility. A permanent or temporary location that includes the following: building, structure, shed, tower, utility support system or utility conveyance system, swimming pool or other open concrete structure, whether above or below grade, or any other item that is designated by KO or COR as a facility.
k. First Aid. Refers to medical attention that is usually administered immediately after the injury occurs and at the location where it occurred. It often consists of a one-time, short-term treatment and requires little technology or training to administer. First aid is specifically defined by 29 CFR 1904.7.
l. Hazard. Any actual or potential condition that can cause injury, illness, or death of personnel, damage to or loss of equipment or property, or contribute to mission degradation.
m. Imminent Danger. Any conditions or practices in a place of employment which are such that a danger exists which could reasonably be expected to cause death or serious physical harm immediately or before the imminence of such danger can be eliminated.
n. Mishap. Within the context of this manual, mishap is synonymous with accident. See definition for accident in paragraph 2-2.a.
o. Near Miss. A potentially serious accident that could have resulted in personal injury, death, or property damage, damage to the environment, or illness but did not occur due to one or more factors.
p. Qualified Person (QP). An individual who, by possession of a recognized degree, certificate, or professional standing, or who by extensive knowledge, training, and experience, has successfully demonstrated the ability to solve or resolve problems relating to the subject matter, the work, or the project.
q. Recordable Accident. A reportable accident that meets the minimum criteria stated in this manual for aviation and ground Class A through F accidents.
r. Registered Professional Engineer (RPE). A person who has been duly and currently registered and who is licensed as a professional engineer by an authority (for example, state licensure board) within the United States or its territories to practice the profession of engineering.
s. Reportable Accident. All occurrences that cause injury, occupational illness, or property damage of any kind.
t. Residual Risk. The level of risk remaining after controls have been identified and countermeasures selected for hazards. Risks remaining after hazard mitigation measures have been applied.
u. Risk Assessment Code (RAC). The conversion of the probability and severity of a given hazard into a specific risk level based on the residual risk. The levels of risk are extremely high (E), high (H), medium (M) and low (L).
v. Risk Management. A business process that includes the identification, assessment, and prioritization of risks, followed by coordinated and economical application of resources to minimize, monitor, and control the probability and/or impact of unfortunate events to an acceptable level.
w. Risk Matrix. A risk management tool that is used to determine the RAC for a specific work element and the overall RAC for the activity, task, or DFOW. The risk matrix is used to evaluate the severity (that is, an approximate amount of potential harm, damage, or injury occurring) and probability (that is, likelihood of something happening) associated with a given accident (see para 2-10.a). Severity is categorized as catastrophic, critical, moderate, or negligible. Probability is categorized as frequent, likely, occasional, seldom, or unlikely.
x. Site Safety and Health Officer (SSHO). A contractor employee that is responsible for overseeing and ensuring implementation of the prime contractor's SOH program according to the contract, this manual, applicable federal, state, and local requirements (see paras 2-3 and 2-4).
(1) Level 1 SSHO. A designated employee with full-time SOH responsibility that meets and follows the requirements of paragraphs 2-3.b and 2-4.b.
(2) Level 2 SSHO. A designated employee with collateral duty SOH responsibility that meets and follows the requirements of paragraphs 2-3.b and 2-4.b. Level 2 SSHOs cannot be assigned to projects that have a residual RAC of high or extremely high.
(3) Level 3 SSHO. A designated QP or CP with SOH responsibility that meets and follows the requirements of paragraphs 2-3.b and 2-4.b. Level 3 SSHOs cannot be assigned to projects that have a residual RAC of high or extremely high.
(4) Alternate SSHO. An employee that meets the definition of the contract-required level SSHO but is not the primary SSHO.
y. Site of Work. The primary location of the work. The physical place(s) where the work called for in the contract will remain when work on it is completed, or the secondary location of the work, if any, which is any other site where a significant portion of work is performed, provided that such site is established specifically for the performance of the contract or project.
z. Visitor. Anyone who is not assigned to work at the site of work, either permanently or temporarily, that comes to the site of work for short-term action (for example, inspections, meetings, deliveries).
Chapter 2-3.Personnel Required Qualification/Training.
a. General Employee-Required Qualifications and Training. The requirements in this chapter apply to all trainings and qualifications outlined in this manual. See paragraph 3 of each chapter for applicable training and qualification requirements.
(1) Employers must provide their employees all required SOH training as required by this manual, applicable federal, state, and local requirements.
(2) All SOH training must be conducted by a QP or CP, as required. Trainers must have subject matter expertise (that is, knowledge, skills, and abilities related to the topic) and experience delivering training.
(3) Develop and deliver training according to ANSI Z490.1.
(4) Evaluate trainees to ensure they meet and understand the proposed objective(s).
(5) Document all training. Records must include the following:
(a) The date, location, and duration of the training.
(b) Name and description of the training.
(c) Name(s) of trainer(s).
(d) Training materials used.
(e) Name(s) of training participants.
(f) Evaluation of trainees to ensure they meet and understand the proposed objective(s). Document evaluation result of each participants (for example, pass, fail).
(6) Indoctrination Training. Provide employees SOH indoctrination training based on the existing SOH program and applicable federal, state, and local requirements prior to the start of work. The training must include the following:
(a) Requirements and responsibilities for accident prevention and the maintenance of safe and healthful work environments.
(b) General SOH policies and procedures and pertinent provisions of this manual.
(c) Employee and supervisor responsibilities for reporting all accidents and near misses.
(d) Provisions for medical facilities and emergency response and procedures for obtaining medical treatment or emergency assistance.
(e) Procedures for reporting and correcting unsafe conditions or practices.
(f) Job hazards and the means to control and eliminate those hazards, including applicable Activity Hazard Analyses (AHA) (see para 2-6).
b. Site Safety and Health Officer (SSHO).
(1) Level 1 SSHO.
(a) Initial SOH Training. All Level 1 SSHOs must receive OSHA 30-hour general industry or construction safety training. Training may be web-based if permitted by OSHA. In lieu of formal OSHA-30 training, SOH training covering the subjects of the OSHA 30-hour course and this manual may be accepted by the KO in coordination with the local SOHO having jurisdiction over the work. The local SOHO will evaluate the proposed equivalent training for applicability to the contract scope of work being performed.
(b) Competency Training Requirements. All Level 1 SSHOs must have maintained their competency by taking 24 hours of documented formal classroom or online SOH-related training within the past five years, and must maintain competency by taking 24 hours every three-year period for the duration of the contract. The 24 hours can be multiple classes combined.Note. The initial SOH training (that is, OSHA 30-hour) does not meet the 24-hour competency training requirement.Note. Hours spent as an instructor for SOH related training (for example, teaching an OSHA 10- or 30-hour class, or a 4-hour fall protection end user training) can be considered for hours spent training, but each course can only be used for hours once (for example, instructing 4-hour fall protection end user training three times a year only counts for 4-hours of training).
(c) Experience Requirements. All Level1 SSHOs must have at least five years of cumulative safety experience, within the last ten years, managing or implementing a SOH program on projects similar in industry type, size, and complexity as the project described in the contract scope of work.Note. If the Level 1 SSHO has a safety-related degree, third-party, nationally accredited (for example, American National Standards Institute (ANSI), National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA), Council on Engineering and Scientific Specialty Boards (CESB) SOH-related certification or designation requiring a minimum of three years of experience to obtain, only three years of experience is needed.Note. The KO in coordination with the local SOHO may adjust the training and experience requirements.
(2) Level 2 SSHO.
(a) Initial SOH Training. All Level 2 SSHOs must receive OSHA 30-hour general industry or construction safety training. Training may be web-based if permitted by OSHA. In lieu of formal OSHA-30 training, SOH training covering the subjects of the OSHA 30-hour course and this manual may be accepted by the KO in coordination with local SOHO having jurisdiction over the work. The local SOHO will evaluate the proposed equivalent training for applicability to the contract scope of work being performed.
(b) Competency Training Requirements. All Level 2 SSHOs must have maintained their competency by taking 24 hours of documented formal classroom or online SOH-related training within the past five years, and must maintain competency by taking 24 hours every three-year period for the duration of the contract. The 24 hours can be multiple classes combined.Note. The initial SOH training (that is, OSHA 30-hour) does not meet the 24-hour competency training requirement.Note. Hours spent as an instructor for SOH related training (for example, teaching an OSHA 10- or 30-hour class, or a 4-hour fall protection end user training) can be considered for hours spent training, but each course can only be used for hours once (for example, instructing 4-hour fall protection end user training three times a year only counts for 4-hours of training).
(c) Experience Requirements. All Level 2 SSHOs must have at least three years of cumulative safety experience, within the last 10 years, managing or implementing a SOH program on projects similar in industry type, size, and complexity as the project described in the contract scope of work.Note. If the Level 2 SSHO has a safety-related degree, third-party, nationally accredited (for example, ANSI, NCCA, CESB SOH-related certification or designation requiring a minimum of two years of experience to obtain, only two years of experience is needed.Note. The KO in coordination with the local SOHO may adjust the training and experience requirements.
(3) Level 3 SSHO. All Level 3 SSHOs must be a designated QP or CP according to paragraph 2-2 that has experience which enables identification of hazards and implementation of controls for the work being performed.
Chapter 2-4.Roles and Responsibilities.
a. General Employees. All employees are responsible for SOH program implementation in the workplace. Each employee is responsible for complying with applicable SOH requirements, wearing prescribed SOH equipment, reporting hazardous or unsafe conditions or activities, preventing avoidable accidents, and working in a safe manner and will.
(1) While on duty, employees must not use or be under the influence of alcohol, narcotics, intoxicants, or similar performance or mind-altering substances.
(2) All employees must report all hazards, accidents, and near misses immediately to their employer or supervisor.
(3) All employees should be involved in the development of AHAs for the work activities they perform. Employees must review applicable AHAs before beginning work and adhere to the necessary requirements during the performance of such activities.
(4) While on or visiting a USACE site that is controlled by a contractor and a contractor-managed APP (for example, QARs on construction sites), USACE employees must comply with the contractor's APP and associated SOH programs and requirements (for example, PPE, Fall Protection, HEC, Diving, Blasting).
b. Site Safety and Health Officer (SSHO). SSHOs must be present at the site of work and located so they have full mobility and reasonable access to all major work operations occurring during the shift. SSHOs are responsible for overseeing and ensuring implementation of the prime contractor's SOH program according to the contract, this manual, applicable federal, state, and local requirements to include the following:
(1) Report to the corporate safety official, senior PM, or corporate official.
(2) Maintain applicable safety reference material at the site of work including this manual, Safety Data Sheets (SDSs), APP, manufacturer instructions, etc.
(3) Conduct daily SOH inspections according to paragraph 2-5.b and maintain a SOH deficiency tracking system according to paragraph 2-8.f(3).
(4) Report and investigate all accidents and near misses and complete required accident report ENG Form 3394.
(5) Attend all pre-construction conferences, tail-gate meetings, and pre-work meetings, to include preparatory meetings and periodic in-progress meetings.
(6) Conduct on-going evaluations of the APP throughout the life of the project to ensure it is current and site-specific. Submit changes, revisions, and updates to the APP for review and approval by the prime contractor.
(7) Ensure all project personnel comply with SOH requirements (including subcontractors and visitors).
(8) Provide and keep a record of site safety orientation and indoctrination training for all project personnel, including subcontractors (see para 2-3).
(9) Review and sign mandatory ENG Form 6282 (Site Safety and Health Officer Designation Letter) acknowledging roles and responsibilities (see para 2-10.c).Note. If additional or alternate SSHO(s) are used on a project site or required due to contract requirements, multiple shifts, etc. the alternate SSHO(s) must abide by the same roles and responsibilities and assist the primary SSHO in the performance of the duties outlined above.
(10) Ensure visitors are escorted, properly protected, are wearing or provided the appropriate PPE, and receive a safety brief on the hazards to be expected onsite and the SOH controls required (see para 2-8.a).
c. Competent Person (CP).
(1) Develop AHAs for all activities as required by this manual. Coordinate review and understanding with all project-affected employees (prime and subcontractors) and applicable host agencies/offices (see para 2-6).
(2) Oversee work activities as required by this manual. When conditions arise that are unsanitary, hazardous, or dangerous to employees, take prompt corrective measures to eliminate them.
(3) Develop and sign the site-specific APP. Coordinate review and understanding with all project-affected employees (prime and subcontractors) and applicable host agencies/offices. (See para 2-7)
d. Qualified Person (QP). Provide guidance and perform work activities as required by this manual.
e. Supervisors. Supervisors are ultimately responsible for SOH program implementation at their site of work and ensuring that all employees comply with the necessary requirements to include the following:
(1) Ensure no person is required, instructed, or allowed to work in surroundings or under conditions that are unsafe or dangerous to their health.
(2) Remove employees from exposure to work hazards or the site of work when they are observed acting in an unsafe manner, or otherwise pose a potential SOH threat to themselves or others. Employees may return to the work environment after appropriate supervisory action has occurred (for example, re-training on proper safe procedures, hazard removed).
(3) Attend monthly meetings for all supervisors on the site of work. Conduct weekly meetings for all employees to discuss SOH issues. (See para 2-8.g)
(4) Report all accidents and near misses according to table 2-1. No supervisor may decline to accept a report of an accident or near miss from a subordinate.
(5) Immediately notify the KO or COR and local SOHO of any OSHA or other regulatory inspections.
(6) Enforce the drug-free workplace requirements. Immediately remove employees found to be under the influence of or consuming such substances from the site of work.
(7) Ensure that all employee-required SOH training is completed prior to work according to paragraph 3 of each chapter of this manual.
(8) Ensure training in handling emergency situations that may arise from project activities or equipment operations is provided. All persons who may have an occasion to use emergency and rescue or lifesaving equipment must be familiarized with the equipment location, trained in its proper use, be instructed in its capabilities and limitations, and medically qualified for its use.
(9) Ensure the AHA process is implemented according to paragraph 2-6. Ensure all AHAs are developed by CPs for all activities as required by this manual. See paragraph 6 of each chapter of this manual.
(10) Ensure that all employees are physically and medically qualified to perform the duties they are assigned.
f. Corporate Safety Official. The contractor Corporate Safety Official is the prime contactor's corporate official that is responsible for the contractor's overall SOH program to include the following:
(1) Designate all contractor SSHOs on a mandatory ENG Form 6282 (Site Safety and Health Officer Designation Letter) (see para 2-10.c) and ensure they meet minimum training and experience requirements according to paragraph 2-3.
(2) Review and approve the site-specific APP acknowledging approval with signature and date.
g. Prime Contractor. The prime contractor, in coordination with the SSHO, is ultimately responsible for SOH program management, communication, and implementation at their site of work to include the following:
(1) Be responsible for the processes, conduct, and safe completion of their work.
(2) Ensure that all materials, documentation, and drawings intended for submission comply with the applicable contract SOH requirements. Submittals must be prepared in time to allow the contractor's QC organization to review and certify or, as required, order corrections of submittal materials prior to providing the submittal to the government.
(3) Ensure that the APP is developed by a CP according to this manual and reviewed for compliance prior to submission to the government. Document and maintain the CP's credentials onsite and make them available for review at the request of the KO or COR.
(4) Maintain and update the APP and AHAs as needed to ensure they reflect site-specific tasks during the contract duration. Review and approve changes, revisions, and updates and submit to the KO or COR for acceptance.
(5) Make certain that work is not permitted to begin prior to government review and acceptance of required safety submittals.
(6) Maintain a stock of common PPE, such as hard hats, eye protection, ear plugs, and reflective vests, for use by visitors.
(7) Maintain an onsite visitor sign-in/out log and accurately account for all authorized visitors that enter the site.
(8) Obtain appropriate medical and emergency assistance and identify methods for notifying fire department, law enforcement, and regulatory agencies.
(9) Erect and maintain a SOH bulletin board in a commonly accessed area in clear view of the onsite employees (see para 2-8.f(2)).
(10) Immediately notify the KO or COR of any OSHA or other regulatory agency inspection (see para 2-5.a).
(11) Report all recordable accidents to the KO or COR according to table 2-1. Assist and cooperate fully with the KO or COR when accident investigation(s) are conducted. (See para 2-8.d)
(12) Conduct and document safety meetings as according to paragraph 2-8.f(4).
(13) Ensure all employees receive SOH training as required by this manual, applicable federal, state, and local requirements prior to the start of work. See paragraphs 2-3 and 3 of all other chapters of this manual.
(14) Ensure all contractor employees (that is, prime and subcontractors) comply with the contract, this manual, applicable federal, state, and local requirements.
(15) Ensure no person is required, instructed, or allowed to work in surroundings or under conditions that are unsafe or dangerous to their health.
h. Contractor Quality Control (QC). Conduct daily SOH inspections and document the findings in daily logs (see para 2-5.b).
Chapter 2-5.Inspection Requirements.
a. External Agency Inspections. Immediately notify the KO or COR and local SOHO of any OSHA or other regulatory agency inspection and provide the KO or COR and local SOHO an opportunity to accompany the inspector on the inspection. The inspection will not be delayed due to non-availability of the KO or COR or the SOHO.
(1) Provide the KO or COR and local SOHO with a copy of any citations or reports issued by the inspector and any corrective action responses to the citation(s) or report(s).
(2) The local SOHO will provide a copy of any citations or reports issued by the inspector and any corrective action responses to the citation(s) or report(s) to division and HQUSACE-SO.
b. Contractor SOH Inspections.
(1) The APP must provide for frequent safety inspections and audits to be conducted by the QC and SSHO. Inspections of the work sites, material, and equipment to ensure compliance with the APP and this manual must be conducted at least daily by the SSHO and QC. These inspections must be documented on a written log that includes the name of the inspector, date of inspection, areas and operations inspected, identified hazards, recommended corrective actions, responsibility for address, and estimated and actual dates of corrections.
(a) Provide the inspection report for inclusion in the contractor's daily production report (for example, daily QC reports) and make them available to the KO or COR or local SOHO upon request.
(b) Conduct follow-up inspections to ensure correction of any identified deficiencies and document them in inspection reports.
(2) The SSHO must establish and maintain a deficiency tracking system that lists and monitors outstanding deficiencies until resolved according to paragraph 2-8.f(3).
Chapter 2-6.Activity Hazard Analysis (AHA) Requirements.The requirements of this chapter apply to all AHAs required by this manual. Specific AHA requirements are identified in paragraph 6 of each chapter in this manual.
a. Risk management is a business process that requires planning to ensure risk is reduced to an acceptable level prior to performing work activities. Risk management provides consistent and systematic identification and communication of risks, consequences, and potential actions to mitigate those risks. Unidentified and unmanaged hazards and their associated risks impede successful missions, undermine readiness, decrease morale, and deplete resources. A properly documented risk assessment serves as evidence that leadership decision-making was based on sound judgment and reasonable principles. Leadership and management at every level must exercise risk management. Risk management must be integrated into all phases of work to ensure risk decisions are made at the appropriate level, no unnecessary risk is taken, and the process is applied consciously. Effective risk management requires the following steps (see para 2-10.a):
(1) Step 1. Identify all potential hazards associated with the task prior to work.
(2) Step 2. Assess identified hazards to determine probability and potential severity of occurrence (that is, risk).
(3) Step 3. Develop adequate controls to mitigate hazard and reduce probability and risk (see para 2-6.a).
(4) Step 4. Implement controls to ensure all workers know, understand, and implement required controls to reduce risk.
(5) Step 5. Continuously supervise and evaluate controls to ensure they are fully implemented, adequate, and effective at reducing risk. When needed, stop work to make corrections, modify, or add more controls, to ensure risk is managed.Note. There are many tools to aid with risk management implementation. One of these tools is the AHA.
b. Hazard Mitigation. Analysis of hazards and implementation of control measures is a vital element to the risk management process and reducing the residual risk to an acceptable level. Use the following hierarchy of controls, listed from most effective to decreasing effectiveness, to identify control measures to be implemented to eliminate or control hazards to an acceptable level:Note. There may be some situations or activities when more than one control measure or level of controls may need to be implemented to adequately control the hazard(s) to an acceptable level.
(1) Elimination/Substitution. Elimination/substitution involves removing the hazard from the work area. This may be accomplished by modifying structures, changing work processes, or substituting equipment so that persons are not exposed to the hazard(s).
(2) Engineering Controls. Engineering controls isolate or separate the hazard(s) from the general work area and personnel exposure. A common engineering control is physical barriers that prevent contact/exposure to the hazard(s) (for example, guardrails, machine guards, containment).
(3) Administrative Controls. Administrative controls involve work practices or procedures to govern/control the way persons work so that hazardous situations or conditions can be avoided. A common example of an administrative control is training, in that persons are trained in proper procedures so that they do not subject themselves or others to hazards.
(4) PPE. PPE is equipment worn or used by persons performing work with hazards to minimize the effects of exposure to the hazard(s). PPE includes hard hats, safety glasses, safety shoes, hearing protection, respirators, etc. (See chapter 5)Note. PPE should not be used as the only protection against a hazard. It should only be used after attempt has been made to implement higher level controls, or as a subsequent control to provide an additional layer of protection.
c. Risk Acceptance. Acceptance of risk is a serious matter; therefore, the appropriate level of leadership must accept the overall residual risk associated with a task before its commencement. Residual risk must be communicated and accepted by the proper authority before beginning the activity.Note. The proper authority may be different in each scenario and is based on the scope of work, hazards, and associated risk.
(1) Activities that require an AHA must not begin until the AHA with the identified RAC has been reviewed, accepted, and signed by the proper approval authority.
(2) Prime contractors must establish an internal process that outlines appropriate acceptance authority based on each level of residual risk. The risk acceptance process and acceptance authority personnel must be included in the APP.Note. USACE does not accept contractor risk.
d. AHA Minimum Requirements.
(1) AHAs must be prepared and documented for all field, laboratory, industrial, and maintenance activities performed. Before beginning each work activity, task, or DFOW, an initial AHA must be prepared to ensure minimum safety requirements are adequately addressed. In developing the AHA for a particular activity, the writer(s) (that is, CPs) should draw upon the expertise (for example, knowledge, skills, and experience) of the employees, supervisors, and SOH personnel. Additional AHA requirements may be found in other applicable chapters of this manual. See paragraph 6 of each chapter of this manual.Note. JSAs, JHAs, or similar Risk Management assessment tools are considered equivalent to, and acceptable substitutes for AHAs as long as the data collected is the same as that required by the AHA.
(2) AHAs must be provided to and reviewed by all involved employees prior to starting the task. Each employee must document their review with a signature on the AHA or an additional signature sheet. Provide copies of signed AHAs to the KO or COR upon request.
(3) AHAs must be readily available onsite (for example, office trailer) and accessible onsite by all employees for a period of 12 months, or for contracted work, the length of the contract. Workers/crews must have in their possession the current AHA that reflects current site conditions, personnel, equipment, control measures, etc. while the work is being performed.
(4) AHAs must include the following:
(a) Identify the activity/task/DFOW name, contractor name and contract number, project location, date of AHA development, name, and title of AHA preparer, and name and title of AHA acceptance authority.
(b) Define the steps to be performed for the activity/task/DFOW and the work sequences (for example, site conditions, materials, personnel) needed. Job steps should be detailed so that the reader clearly understands how that job will be accomplished (for example, how the part will be installed or removed, anticipated voltages, quantities of chemicals utilized, equipment utilized to accomplish the task, heights being accessed or trenched).
(c) List all potential hazards associated with each specific job step.
(d) List all controls required to mitigate hazards according to paragraph 2-6.a. If one layer of control cannot fully eliminate or reduce hazards to an acceptable level, put additional controls in place to reduce risk to an acceptable level (that is, low or medium where possible).
(e) Assign a RAC to each job step, to identify the residual risk that remains after controls have been applied.
(f) Assign an overall RAC to the AHA. The overall RAC must not be lower than the highest job step RAC on the AHA.
(g) Identify the equipment needed, training requirements needed of involved personnel, and any inspection requirements necessary for the activity/task/DFOW. Employer will designate, in writing (for example, certification, company letter) any required CP(s) and QP(s) by name for a particular activity (for example, excavation, confined space, scaffolding, fall protection, lead removal, asbestos abatement, other activities as specified by OSHA and this manual), and provide proof of competency/qualification.
(h) Risk acceptance according to paragraph 2-6.b. Activities that require an AHA must not begin until the AHA with RAC has been reviewed and accepted by the proper acceptance authority.Note. Contractors must submit their accepted AHAs to the KO or COR for review and acceptance to ensure contractual requirements are met.
(5) Updates to the AHA. The AHA must be modified as necessary to address changing site conditions, operations, or change of CP(s) or QP(s).
(a) If the initial RAC increases due to a change made to the AHA, resubmit the AHA for acceptance prior to the start of work.
(b) Changes or updates to an AHA that do not increase the RAC are not required to be resubmitted for acceptance.
(c) If the AHA needs to be revised, work should not resume until revision is complete and provided to and reviewed by all involved employees prior to starting the task.
(d) If the work has been stopped due to safety non-compliance with this manual, APP, AHA, etc. and the AHA needs to be revised, work should not resume until revision is complete and accepted and employees have re-reviewed.Note. For a non-mandatory formatted outline of an AHA, see ENG Form 6206 (Activity Hazard Analysis) (see para 2-10.a).
Chapter 2-7.Minimum Plan Requirements.
a. General Plan Requirements. The following requirements apply to all plans required by this manual. Specific plan requirements are identified in paragraph 7 of each chapter in this manual.
(1) Plans must be developed by each contractor as required by the work being performed.
(2) All plans and other SOH-related submittals must be submitted as part of the APP to the KO or COR for review and acceptance.
(3) Work cannot begin until the plan or other SOH-related submittals are reviewed and accepted by the KO or COR.
b. Accident Prevention Plan (APP). An APP is a written site-specific SOH plan that documents project, contract, and job-specific potential hazards in the workplace, and the company policies, controls, and work practices that will be used to minimize those hazards. They are an integral part of the planning and risk management process. The APP must be developed by a CP and reviewed and approved by the prime contractor and corporate safety official. Upon contractor approval, the plan must be submitted to the KO or COR for review and acceptance prior to the performance of any work. No contract work can begin without a KO or COR accepted APP. APPs must include the following:
(1) The APP must be written in English and articulate the specific work, work process, equipment, and materials to be used, hazards pertaining to the contract work, and the control measures that will be implemented. Follow the mandatory ENG Form 6293 (Accident Prevention Plan Worksheet). (See para 2-10.d)
(2) It is understood that at the time of APP submission, there may be unknown portions of the work. Include all known information in the APP prior to the start of work. Project-specific information that is yet to be known (for example, subcontractors to be used, type of fall protection to be used at a certain point in time, specific cranes or other load handling equipment (LHE) to be brought at the site of work, must be added and submitted prior to each preparatory phase/meeting, along with the appropriate AHAs. (See para 2-10.a)
(3) The SSHO must conduct on-going evaluations and updates of the APP throughout the life of the project to ensure it is up to date and site specific. Changes, revisions, and updates to the APP must be reviewed and approved by the contractor and submitted to the KO or COR for acceptance).
(a) Include measures to be taken to control potential hazards associated with materials, services, or equipment provided by vendors, contractors, subcontractors, etc.
(b) Address any unusual or unique aspects or hazards of the project or activity.
(4) The completed APP (that is, has been reviewed and approved by the contractor and accepted by the KO or COR) must be available on the site of work at all times and be accessible to all employees. At minimum, a copy of the most current APP must be posted on the SOH bulletin board, or a notice posted on the board stating the location of the plan.
c. Emergency Plan. Emergency plans to ensure employee safety in case of fire, inclement weather, or other emergencies at the project location must be prepared, in writing, and reviewed with all affected employees. Emergency plans must be tested to ensure their effectiveness.
(1) Plans must include evacuation procedures, routes, and rally points; the identification of critical plant operations and procedures for employees who operate critical plant operations (for example, gas line shut down, electrical systems, etc.); employee accountability following evacuation; rescue and medical duties; means of reporting emergencies; and points of contact.
(2) Onsite emergency planning must be coordinated with off-site emergency support. Documentation of specific onsite emergency services is also required and can include written agreements, memoranda for record, telephone conversation logs, etc. The contractor must offer an onsite orientation of the project and associated hazards to the emergency services provider.
(3) Emergency alert systems must be developed, tested, and used to alert all persons likely to be affected by existing or imminent disasters and to alert and summon emergency responders.
(4) Emergency telephone numbers and reporting instructions for ambulance, physician, hospital, fire, and police must be clearly communicated to all employees and posted at the site of work.
(5) Employees working alone in remote locations must be provided an effective means of emergency communications (for example, cellular phone, two-way radios, land-line telephones, remote employee tracking devices/GPS, or other).
(a) The selected communications must be readily available (easily within the immediate reach) of the employee and be tested prior to the start of work to verify effective operation at the site of work.
(b) Develop an employee check-in/check-out communication process to ensure employee safety.
Chapter 2-8.General Requirements.
a. Contractor Site Control.
(1) On contractor site of work, the prime contractor's project management team, with the assistance of the SSHO, is responsible for managing, communicating, implementing, and enforcing compliance with the accepted APP and other accepted implementing, and enforcing compliance with the accepted APP and other accepted
(2) Visitors.
(a) All visitors must be escorted by appropriate site personnel. Personnel who escort visitors are responsible for their visitors and must ensure they are properly protected.
(b) Contractors must maintain a stock of common PPE, such as hard hats, eye protection, ear plugs, and reflective vests, for use by visitors. Escorts must ensure the visitors are wearing the appropriate PPE; provide if necessary.Note. If visitors can be escorted along a designated safe path through the site where they are not exposed to the hazards, the use of PPE is not necessary.
(c) Escorts must ensure that all visitors receive a safety brief from a person knowledgeable on the hazards to be expected onsite and the SOH controls required.
(d) Maintain an onsite visitor sign-in/out log. The designated site personnel must keep a roster of all visitors that enter the site.
b. Contractor SOH Implementation and Oversight.
(1) A Designation Letter is required for all levels of onsite SSHOs. Contractors must designate in writing all SSHOs on a mandatory ENG Form 6282 (Site Safety and Health Officer Designation Letter). Both the Corporate Safety Official and the SSHO must sign the form and submit it to the KO or COR for acceptance. If a new or additional SSHO is assigned to perform SOH duties onsite, the contractor must submit a new Designation Letter. Work must not be conducted until the KO or COR accepts ENG Form 6282 (Site Safety and Health Officer Designation Letter). The contractor must maintain a copy of the accepted form at the site of work. (See para 2-10.c)
(2) SSHO Requirements. The contractor must employ a minimum of one Level 1 SSHO at each project site to function as the primary Level 1 SSHO responsible for ensuring all site personnel are implementing SOH requirements according to the contract, this manual, applicable federal, state, and local requirements. A designated Level 1 SSHO must be at the site of work whenever work is performed).
(a) Level 1 SSHOs are not permitted to supervise non-safety personnel at the site of work.
(b) Additional or alternate SSHOs may be needed for projects with multiple sites, or shifts, or large projects. This requirement will be identified in the contract.
(c) If the Level 1 SSHO has to temporarily (that is, up to 24 hours / one day) leave the site of work due to unforeseen or emergency situations, a Level 1, 2, or 3 SSHO may be used in the interim and must be on the site of work at all times when work is being performed.
(d) If the Level 1 SSHO must be off-site for a period longer than 24 hours / one day, an additional/alternate Level 1 SSHO must be at the site of work to fulfill the same roles and responsibilities when work is performed.
(e) If an activity, task or DFOW contains multiple sites and has been assessed and given an activity residual RAC of low or medium, any Level SSHO may be appointed for each site where remote work locations are more than 45 minutes travel time from the primary Level 1 SSHO's site of work.
(f) A Level 1 SSHO must be assigned and at the site of work at all projects that have a residual RAC of high or extremely high. A Level 2 or 3 SSHO cannot be assigned to projects that have a residual RAC of high or extremely high.
(3) Exceptions to a full time Level 1 SSHO Requirement. The full time Level 1 SSHO requirement may be modified to use any level SSHO or combination of levels by the USACE KO and the local SOHO in contract documents according to the exemptions in this chapter. Modification of the requirement must be a collaborative effort and will be based on job complexity, size, and other pertinent factors. The KO and the SOHO will document the decision and rational used to modify the requirements based on the project scope and risk. Some examples of contracts that may qualify for exceptions include):
(a) Tasks with no exposure to mechanical or explosive hazards such as field walk-over, surface soil sampling, or long-term sampling.
(b) Dredging, Maintenance, Service, and Limited Scope Contracts. These contracts include work such as dredging, mowing, furniture installation, fuel system maintenance, park attendants, and rest room cleaning.
c. Contractor SOH Submittals.
(1) All submittals must be submitted according to the requirements of the contract.
(2) Submittals must be reviewed and approved by the contractor prior to submission to the government to ensure minimum contractual requirements are being met.
(3) The USACE KO or COR must review and accept contractor SOH submittals (for example, APP, AHA, proof of qualification) prior to work. This review is a cursory review intended to determine if SOH submittals generally conform to the SOH contractual requirements. If they do, the KO or COR will accept the submittal. If SOH submittals do not conform to SOH contractual requirements, they will be returned to the submittals do not conform to SOH contractual requirements, they will be returned to theNote. Acceptance of these submittals in no way relieves the contractor from ensuring employees a safe and healthful work environment or from complying the contract, this manual, applicable federal, state, local requirements, and good engineering practices.
d. Accident Investigation and Reporting. The reporting and associated investigation of accidents and near misses is considered a leading indicator. Utilize the ENG Form 3394 (add form title in parentheses) to report accidents and near misses.
(1) Contractors must investigate, analyze, and report all accidents and near misses occurring incidentally to an operation, project, or facility for which this manual is applicable according to table 2-1.Note. Except for rescue and emergency measures, do not disturb the accident scene until it has been released by the investigating official.
(2) Notify OSHA, as applicable, according to 29 CFR 1904.39.
(3) Notify the USCG if the work-related injury is considered a marine casualty or a vessel is involved in a marine casualty according to 46 CFR 4.05-5 and 4.05-10, a commercial diving casualty under 46 CFR 197.484.
(4) First aid treatments do not require an ENG Form 3394 unless requested by the KO or COR. Maintain records of all first aid treatments and provide them to the KO or COR upon request.
(5) Records must include, at a minimum, employee's name, job title, date, and type of accident, causes and corrective actions taken (for example, AHA review, process changes, establishment of controls, personnel qualifications, and training).
(6) The SSHO and/or SOHO will review and analyze this data for corrective actions, as appropriate.
e. Physical Qualifications of Employees.
(1) All persons must be physically and medically qualified for performing the duties they are assigned. Some factors to be considered in making work assignments are strength, endurance, agility, coordination, and visual and hearing acuity.
(2) At a minimum, employees must meet the physical requirements for specific job tasks and hazards as required by this manual, the position, the job description, OSHA guidelines, applicable DOT regulations or applicable USCG requirements.
(3) Record medical documentation using applicable medical screening and medical history and examination forms and maintain them according to 5 CFR 293.
(4) While on duty, employees must not use or be under the influence of alcohol, narcotics, intoxicants, or similar performance or mind-altering substances. Employers must enforce the drug-free workplace requirements. Employees found to be under the influence of or consuming such substances will be immediately removed from the site of work.
(5) Any employee under a physician's treatment and taking prescribed narcotics or any medication that may prevent them being ready, willing, and able to safely perform position duties, must provide a medical clearance statement to their supervisor.
f. SOH Communications.
(1) Communicate all SOH program information, documents, signs, and tags to employees in a language that they understand. Work sites with non-English speaking employees must have onsite interpreters and translators that are fluent in all the spoken language(s).
(2) SOH Bulletin Board. Within seven calendar days after commencement of contract work, the contractor must erect a safety bulletin board at the site of work. Where site, duration, or logistics of a project do not facilitate a bulletin board, an alternative KO or COR accepted method (for example, binder, digital) may be deemed as meeting the requirement for a bulletin board. The alternative method must include all mandatory information for employee and visitor review, as follows):
(a) A map denoting the route to the nearest emergency care facility.
(b) Emergency phone numbers.
(c) A copy of the most current APP on or adjacent to the bulletin board or post a notice on the bulletin board stating the location of the plan. Locate the plan at the site of work and make it accessible to all employees.
(d) Post OSHA Form 300A from February 1 to April 30 of the year following the issuance of this form (see https://www.osha.gov/recordkeeping/forms). Mount it on or adjacent to the bulletin board and make it accessible to all employees. See 29 CFR 1904, in OSHA's recordkeeping rule, for further details on the access provisions for these forms.
(e) Mount a copy of the SOH deficiency tracking log on or adjacent to the bulletin board or post a notice on the bulletin board stating the location where it may be accessed by all employees upon request.
(f) SOH promotional posters.
(g) OSHA Safety and Health Poster.
(h) A copy of the hazardous material inventory, identification of use, approximate quantities, and a site map detailing location as required by this manual.
(3) Deficiency Log and Hazard Tracking System. The contractor must establish a SOH deficiency tracking system that lists and monitors the status of SOH deficiencies in chronological order. The tracking system provides useful information that must be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the APP. A monthly evaluation of the data should be discussed in the QC or SOH meeting with everyone on the project. The deficiency log must be posted on the SOH bulletin board or post a notice on the bulletin board stating its location. The log must contain the following:
(a) Date deficiency identified.
(b) Description of deficiency.
(c) Name of person responsible for correcting deficiency.
(d) Projected resolution date.
(e) Date resolved.
(4) Safety Meetings. Safety meetings must be conducted on project sites to review past activities, plan for new or changed operations, review pertinent aspects of appropriate AHAs, establish safe working procedures for anticipated hazards, and provide pertinent SOH training and motivation)
(a) Meetings must be conducted at least once a month for all supervisors on the project location and at least once a week for all workers.
(b) Document the meetings. Include the date, persons in attendance, subjects discussed, and names of individual(s) who conducted the meeting. Maintain the documentation and furnish copies to the KO or COR on request.
(c) Contractors will invite the KO or COR to all scheduled meetings providing sufficient advanced notification.
(5) Signage. Post signs at all site entrances requiring anyone entering the site to report to the project office for a safety briefing.
g. Interpretations. The following process will be used for contractors requesting interpretation of a requirement contained in this manual.
(1) The prime contractor must officially submit the following:
(a) Specifically identify the requirement for information/interpretation.
(b) Provide the exact citation and quote the requirement in question. A separate request must be made for each requirement.
(c) State the source of confusion regarding the requirement.
(d) Provide all the information necessary to understand the context in which the requirement is being applied.
(e) Provide the information/interpretation of the requirement and rationale.
(2) A contractor must request interpretation of a requirement from the field office under which they work who will then coordinate with the local SOHO to provide a response. The local USACE SOHO must submit the official request for information/interpretation to the HQUSACE-SO SharePoint located at https://team.usace.army.mil/sites/HQ/SO/Pages/Variances_and_Waivers.aspx within five business days of receipt.
(3) The entire package containing the requester's information, the local SOHO's interpretation, rationale, and supporting information in the HQUSACE-SO SharePoint will be sent to the division SOHO who must render a response within five business days of receipt in the system, and HQUSACE-SO will have at least 15 business days from date of receipt to consider the request and to render a written decision from the Chief of Safety and Occupational Health, HQUSACE.Note. Interpretations apply ONLY to the specific time and the context in which the requirement is being applied. They may not be used as precedents to determine future applications of the requirement. HQUSACE-SO will make the proper notifications if a request for information/interpretation may be applied globally.
(4) Unofficial requests for interpretations to include clarifications of requirements from local SOHOs may be made via email or telephone. However, the answers provided via this mode will be considered general guidance, not official information/interpretations.
(5) HQUSACE-SO will NOT accept requests for official information/interpretations from parties outside the USACE structure.
h. Variances and Waivers. Within the Corps of Engineers, variances and waivers to provisions of this manual require the approval of the Chief of Safety and Occupational Health, HQUSACE. Variances or waivers must provide an equal or greater level of protection, must be substantiated with a hazard analysis of the activity and must be documented and forwarded through channels to Chief of Safety and Occupational documented and forwarded through channels to Chief of Safety and Occupational
(1) The following process must be used when requesting a waiver or variance from a requirement contained in this manual:
(a) Official requests for variances and waivers and all responses must be submitted through the local USACE SOHO, who will enter the request in the HQUSACE-SO SharePoint.
(b) The local SOHO must submit, render a concurrence or non-concurrence, and justification within five business days.
(2) Waiver/Variance request package must be complete and must include the following:
(a) Specific identity of the requirement for which relief is being sought, providing exact citation and quoting the requirement;
(b) Statement as to whether a waiver (total elimination of the requirement) or a variance (retaining the basic requirement, but doing it differently) is being sought;
(c) Details as to why it is not possible or practical to comply with the requirement;
(d) All the information (maps, drawings, references, calculations, change analysis or impact, etc.) necessary to make an informed decision. The burden of proof rests with the requester. Failure to provide the necessary information may be justification for denial of the request. It is up to the requester to make the case as to why the requirement should be waived or varied;
(e) Identification of specific time period and operation for which the request is being made. A waiver/variance will be granted for specific time periods and operations and may not be used as a defense for failure to comply with a requirement at another time or on another project;
(f) Explanation of method they plan to use in lieu of the requirement and how it provides protection equal to or greater than the requirement being challenged;
(g) A detailed AHA addressing the alternate procedure. Risk assessment should be a part of the AHA process;
(h) Provision of any other requirements or standards addressing the requirement in question. It is incumbent upon the requester to research the literature to determine if any other requirement or standard exists addressing the requirement from which relief is being sought. If there is another standard(s), the requester must identify it and provide a copy. Requests for waivers/variances will not be processed until this requirement has a copy. Requests for waivers/variances will not be processed until this requirement has
(3) Requester must work the action with the local USACE SOHO.
Chapter 2-9.Figures and Tables.Table 2-1 Accident Reporting Required TimelineAccident TypeNotify KO or CORComplete Final Accident Report on ENG 3394 and provide to KO or CORFatality, in-patient hospitalization, amputation, eye loss, or property damage over $600,000.Immediately, no later than (NLT) 8 HoursWithin 7 DaysAll other accidents and near misses.Immediately NLT 24 HoursWithin 7 Days
Chapter 2-10.Checklists and Forms.
a. ENG 3394, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Mishap Notification and Investigation (https://www.publications.usace.army.mil/USACE-Publications/Engineer-Forms/)
b. ENG Form 6206, Activity Hazard Analysis (AHA) (non-mandatory) (https://www.publications.usace.army.mil/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=K66no-4L-v4%3d&tabid=16438&portalid=76&mid=43543)
c. ENG Form 6282, Site Safety and Health Officer (SSHO) Designation Letter (mandatory) (https://www.publications.usace.army.mil/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=6rKomvrIeBI%3d&tabid=16438&portalid=76&mid=43543)
d. ENG Form 6293, Accident Prevention Plan (APP) Worksheet (mandatory) (https://www.publications.usace.army.mil/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=LmW_eJDoLpI%3d&tabid=16438&portalid=76&mid=43543)
