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Chapter 7Lighting
Chapter 7-1.References.
a. American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), Guide for Crew Habitability on Ships (https://ww2.eagle.org/en/rules-and-resources/rules-and-guides.html)
b. ANSI/Illuminating Engineering Society (IES), The Lighting Library (https:\\store.ies.org/product/ies-lighting-library-collection-subscription/)
c. ANSI Workplace Lighting Standards (https://webstore.ansi.org/industry/workplace-lighting?source=blog) (7.1.c)
d. NFPA 101, Life Safety Code(https://www.nfpa.org/Codes-and-Standards)
e. United Facilities Criteria (UFC) 3-530-01, Interior and Exterior Lighting Systems and Controls (https://www.wbdg.org/ffc/dod/unified-facilities-criteria-ufc)
f. 29 CFR 1926.56, Illumination (https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CFR-2020-title29-vol8/pdf/CFR-2020-title29-vol8-sec1926-56.pdf)
Chapter 7-2.Definitions.
a. Foot Candle. The English and American traditional measurement unit of light (illuminance) as perceived by the human eye, and is roughly equal to 10.7 Lux.
b. Lux. The International System of Units measurement of light (illuminance) as perceived by the human eye.
Chapter 7-3.Personnel Required Training/Qualification.Not Applicable.
Chapter 7-4.Roles and Responsibilities.Not Applicable.
Chapter 7-5.Inspection Requirements.Conduct and document a survey of the area to be lighted by generator-powered lighting units to ensure overhead power lines do not pose a hazard.
Chapter 7-6.Activity Hazard Analysis (AHA) Requirements.Develop AHAs according to paragraphs 1-6 or 2-6, as applicable. Review the lighting requirements for specific tasks or operations as part of AHA development.
Chapter 7-7.Minimum Plan Requirements.Chapter 7-7.Night Operations Lighting Plan. If work is to be performed at night, a Night Operations Lighting Plan must be developed to ensure all activities, areas, and operations are adequately illuminated to perform work safely. The plan must be submitted to the USACE supervisor for approval or to the KO or COR for acceptance and include the following:
a. A map of the work area to be illuminated.
b. Locations of all lighting units used to meet minimum lighting levels.
c. Identification of required lighting level by area.
d. Identification of onsite personnel responsible for verifying lighting plan is effective and does not present a glare hazard for nearby roadways and other public transportation.
Chapter 7-8.General Requirements.
a. Lighting Levels. While work is in progress, facilities, accessways, working areas, roads, etc., must be illuminated to not less than the minimum intensities specified below (see table 7-1 for limited reference and requirements). Areas not specified below must be illuminated according to the minimum intensities specified in the applicable ANSI Workplace Lighting Standards.
(1) For construction work sites, see 29 CFR 1926.56.
(2) Design DoD facilities, according to UFC 3-530-01.
(3) For marine lighting, see ABS, Guide for Crew Habitability on Ships.
(4) For illumination of means of egress and emergency lighting, see NFPA 101.
(a) Provide emergency lighting for buildings under construction when the progress of construction or environmental conditions limits the ability of natural lighting to provide safe egress (average of 1 foot candle or 10.7 Lux) during a power outage.
(b) The illumination must be arranged so that the failure of any single lighting unit, including the burning out of an electric bulb, will not leave any area darkened to the point of impeding the means of egress.
(5) Take and record illumination readings, with a calibrated light meter, when the minimum lighting requirements of an area is in question.
b. Lighting Fixtures.
(1) Guard and secure lamps and lighting fixtures to preclude injury to personnel. Light fixtures used for general illumination must be provided with protection to prevent accidental contact or breakage.
(a) Provide lighting fixtures within 7 feet (2.1 m) of a normal working surface with suitable fixtures or lamp holder with a guard.
(b) Open fixtures must have wire guards, lenses, tube guards and locks, or safety sockets that require force in the horizontal axis to remove the lamp, or other means to prevent damage to the bulb.
(2) When buildings are equipped with overhead sprinkler systems, lighting fixtures must be no closer than 18 inches (45.7 cm) to an overhead sprinkler.
c. Temporary lighting.
(1) Temporary lighting will be installed according to chapter 11.
(2) Generator-powered portable lighting units must be grounded according to the manufacturer's instructions. Conduct overhead power line survey according to paragraph 7-5.
Chapter 7-9.Figures and Tables.Table 7-1 Minimum Lighting RequirementsFacilityFunctionFoot-CandlesLuxAccesswaysGeneral indoor554AccesswaysGeneral outdoor332AccesswaysExit ways, walkways, ladders, stairs10108Administrative AreasOffices, drafting and meeting rooms, etc.50538Chemical LaboratoriesChemical laboratories50538Construction AreasGeneral indoor554Construction AreasGeneral outdoor332Construction AreasTunnels and general underground work areas (min 110 lux required at tunnel/shaft heading during drilling, mucking, and scaling)554Conveyor RoutesConveyor routes10108Dam Operating Areas (Interior)Tunnels and underground work areas554Dam Operating Areas (Interior)Control stations15161Docks and Loading PlatformsDocks and loading platforms332Elevators, Freight, and PassengerElevators, freight, and passenger554Temporary Electrical PanelsInterior30325Temporary Electrical PanelsExterior10108First-Aid Stations and InfirmariesFirst-aid stations and infirmaries30323Maintenance/Operating Areas/ShopsVehicle maintenance shop30323Maintenance/Operating Areas/ShopsCarpentry shop10108Maintenance/Operating Areas/ShopsRefueling area, outdoors554Maintenance/Operating Areas/ShopsShops, fine detail work50538Maintenance/Operating Areas/ShopsShops, medium detail work30323Maintenance/Operating Areas/ShopsWelding shop30323Maintenance/Operating Areas/ShopsMachine shop30323Maintenance/Operating Areas/ShopsLofts10108Maintenance/Operating Areas/ShopsTool room10108Maintenance/Operating Areas/ShopsGeneral construction plant and shops10108Maintenance/Operating Areas/ShopsBatch plants10108Maintenance/Operating Areas/ShopsScreening plants10108Maintenance/Operating Areas/ShopsRigging lofts10108Maintenance/Operating Areas/ShopsMechanical/electrical equipment rooms10108Outdoor Parking AreasOutdoor parking areas332Toilets, Wash, and Dressing RoomsToilets, wash, and dressing rooms10108Visitor AreasVisitor areas20215Warehouses and Storage Rooms/AreasIndoor rack storage25269Warehouses and Storage Rooms/AreasOutdoor storage332Work areas - General (not listed above)Work areas - General (not listed above)30323Vessel - General AreasMess Halls, Dining Halls30323Vessel - General AreasAccessways332Vessel - General AreasExits332Vessel - General AreasGangways332Vessel - General AreasStairs332Vessel - General AreasWalkways332Vessel - General AreasAll assigned work areas on any vessel or vessel section554Note: Table 7-1 is provided as a limited reference of areas and requirements and is not all inclusive.
Chapter 7-10.Checklists and Forms.Not Applicable.
